Sunday, March 14, 2010

Emerald City

I'm in Seattle with other art department in my school for a trip they take every spring break. Last year I went to Chicago with them. Next year their going to New York, but I don't think I'll be able to afford that trip. For this one, I found out a week or so before we left that I would have the chance to meet two of my favorite artists, get things signed by them and others, and just nerd out at my first comic convention.
By a very lucky coincidence, I happened to be in town at the same time as the Emerald City ComiCon. Jhonen Vasquez (the guy who's work got me into comics) was there for a signing, as was the illustrator for his most recent work, Jellyfist, J.R. Goldberg. She was really super nice. I think I freaked out Jhonen a bit because I couldn't wrap my tongue around what I wanted to tell him and just sounded a bit like a confused idiot. Oh well. I got a hug from Jenny, anyway.

I moved, so I'm a bit blurry. But here I am, acting like a geek next to my favorite artist. Before reading Johnny The Homicidal Maniac, I thought comics were just Sunday funnies, superheros, and Manga. I read it during a little goth phase in high school, and it just opened my eyes to a whole world of art I'd never noticed. I kept thinking "I want to do THIS." So now, that's the plan. Kinda. A Mormon-friendly version, perhaps. That's what I tried to say, and I failed. But it's okay. I was just happy to get Jellyfist and a Zim DVD signed. I got two other people to buy a copy of Jellyfist, too.

I got a moleskin and some buttons from her, and got to actually stand and talk for a few minutes. I guess there's a plus to not having cash and having to go to an ATM and come back. I only got in a few words while the line was still moving. I think Jenny was quite possibly the coolest person at ECCC, and she most defiantly had the coolest hair. She mixes up the color herself.

I'll post more pictures of the crazy people and my load of stuff I bought later. I'll also try to do justice in blog form to this whole week long trip and the drive here and back. For now though, I'm off.

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