Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Danger of Asking Questions

Hi. So, for the new year I decided to make a resolution to do a blog post every month. I like my resolutions to be realistic so I actually do them. (Although this blog really should have been written last month...)
I haven't really finished what I had expected to finish by this point, as far as artwork goes. But here's something, anyway. It's called "The Danger of Asking Questions" and it was my final project for digital design.
Film isn't really my medium of choice, but since my boyfriend was able to convince a rather fantastic actor in his building to come help, and another awesome art major found me an awesome actress, it turned out alright in the end. It was fun to make, anyway.

Other things I need to do include: learning what I need to do about Paypal in order to get an etsy shop up, (I can't afford a $30 fee every month for Paypal, but can't figure out if there's any other sound way to go about this thing. I need help, I think.) applying to colleges, as I'll be graduating from this one in May, the usual homework, some art that I've started, etc.
So I'll keep this short and get back to work.


  1. I read it. But in the daytime. ;)

    I really like your video. I saw it a little while ago. Your AWESOME!

    Oh and I wanna know more about this boyfriend of yours. I have to make sure he is a alright guy.

    Anyway Just so you know I always read your blog. This is just the first time I've commented on it. :)

  2. D'awww, thanks, Merit.
    We really need to meet up sometime. I mean, I don't know why we haven't since you moved back here. Lots and lots to catch up on.
