Friday, April 19, 2013

Nostalgia, Parts 1 and 2 (Also, more openings/receptions!)

At the end of my last blog post, I said my next post would actually include artwork I made. So here is some. Even if I am mostly showing it to get people to come see it in person at one of my artist's receptions tonight.

This was done for my life drawing class. The assignment was to do two drawings, wherein two or more figures are interacting to create a narrative. I did my drawing on frosted mylar, exposed it to a screen and printed it, then erased and changed a few things, and repeated. My professor was surprisingly okay with my cheating on this.
My friend Rachel, who is the other person in these prints, was one of those pretty girls making ugly faces that was making the rounds on the internet a while ago. (Third from the bottom on that link, the one with the shot from below her chin in the middle) She has the best face.
It's a fun and silly set of prints. I'm happier with the first one, but it was an enjoyable way to go about things. I haven't really used this aspect of multiplicity that print offers in this way before, and I think it was a good little exercise all around.

Also, you can see these two prints (and others) tonight at the opening for the U of U BFA/Alternative show. It's at the The Felt Building downtown tonight (341 S Main St. Salt Lake City, UT). Here's the facebook event.

I've actually got a small backlog of art to post about, so readers of this blog, you have seen almost none of the work that's there. This diptych is downstairs as part of the Alt show, but I have 4 pieces upstairs in the BFA show as well.

Also, 35x35 is having their awards ceremony/reception tonight. They'll announce winners of things around 8.

There's tons of other awesome art things happening around the city this gallery stroll, too. I have friends showing at Alpine gallery, and there's a bunch of stuff around 2nd south and 2nd east. It's going to be hard to get to all of it tonight!